Many handbell groups eventually arrive at a point where they could use some money for new handbells, a set of sheet music or music stands etc. This webinar will give you some ideas as to where that money could come from.

Presented by three HRGB members, Alan Hartley, Katrina Gordon and Mike Johnson.

Alan Hartley is the Administrator of the William Hartley Memorial Fund including agreeing terms of financial loans to teams and maintaining and arranging for loan of the Fund's handbell sets.

Katrina Gordon was the presenter of a fundraising workshop at the 2023 National Rally in Stirling and has produced a handout that may be useful

Mike Johnson is the Chair of the East Midlands Region and has been instrumental in applying for (and receiving) grants from the National Lottery and Local Authority Councillors.

Nov 26th, 2024 from  7:30 PM to  9:00 PM

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