Please enter your team name as it appears on your Membership renewal form
We would like to know the total number of ringers in your team - regardless of whether they are HRGB members
If you don't ring bells, leave this space blank
If you don't ring chimes, leave this space blank
If you don't ring Belleplates, leave this space blank
If you ring bells please select whether they are English, American, a mixture of both etc
Is your team available for performances?
Does your team ring peals for Weddings?
Is your team seeking additional ringers?
Your Team and Member details will be kept safe and secure, only used by us and will not be shared with anyone else. The information you provide will be stored on computer by the society and used for the purposes of society administration, internal research, for providing you with benefits of membership and information about the society’s activities. With this in mind, we need to know how you prefer us to deal with enquiries from people who might want to join your Team or have you ring for them. The enquiry will be passed initially to your Regional Secretary - should he or she?