Ringing in the Community
Playing a part in the Community
Ringing groups exist throughout the UK in churches, schools, womens' organisations, community groups and as family activities. There are groups from Cornwall to Shetland and from West Wales to East Anglia.
HRGB also organises events to give groups of ringers the opportunity to perform for each other and ring in massed ringing together.
Some groups will only meet for 'social ringing' but others will also be pleased to visit local attractions, perform for twinning societies (some have even travelled overseas to play), civic events, get involved with music festivals, national programmes such as Get Creative and Fun Palaces. They will frequently liaise with other local community associations such as:
U3A (University of the Third Age)
U3A cater for people who want to continue learning in later life and if you put U3A Handbells into Google, you'll see page after page of groups from all over the country. As one group proclaims: "If you feel the need to improve your hand, eye and ear co-ordination, and have fun doing it, ring handbells!"
U3A members reported major benefits to being part of the U3A learning model in terms of confidence, combating loneliness, feeling supported in new communities, learning new skills and, perhaps most important of all, feeling valued and enjoying life.
WI and TWG
Women's Institutes and Townswomen's Guilds have for many years provided interesting activities as well as social interaction for women. Some groups have handbells themselves or welcome HRGB members to demonstrate tune ringing at their meetings - and even 'have a go' as well.
Probus, Rotary and Lions Clubs
Created for fellowship and often with a focus on charity and helping the community, these organisations will usually welcome demonstrations and other input from handbell ringers.
Many of the groups listed above own sets of handbells and also enjoy membership of HRGB - but there are many who do not and who just prefer to play together regularly for the enjoyment and social opportunities thar ringing offers.
Of course we'd love them all to become members of HRGB but our number one priority is to keep handbells ringing in the UK.
Below: Handbells have been at the centre of our communities for many years!